1 of 11 on 11-11-11 Thursday, November 10, 2011

11.11.11 is a very special day. Not to me but,
To a lot of other people at least
as today is the day where people decided to get married, deliver babies, propose to somebody, file a divorce, start dieting, stop dieting, tender resignation, make announcement on election etc etc the list goes on hehehe

Amazingly I somehow ended up at my blog - TODAY -
Its been quite a while since my last post Dec 2010
So to make things interesting (and yes so I can join the cool group)
This is proudly my no 1 post of the year '11 on 11/11/11
Wow, isnt the numbers beautiful? 111111111 *tears of joy* hehe

But the big question remains. What happened to me since?
To cut things short
I changed my job and relocate to Miri
I am happy and occupied (with happy things, thoughts and stuff)
Until recently,

I guess it is only when something goes wrong
that you pause. take a moment, breath
and reflect back on life... (or it is just me?)
I do that by reading back all my post way back from 2007 (althought its not much hehe)
Somehow I feel its kind of refreshing
It really bring you back to the particular moments of life
where you see thing differently, you feel differently
and how the things that are important to you are different

I felt that I did a good job capturing those feelings and thoughts at that time (memang perasan)
After done reading
a little bit of me felt that maybe.., just maybe I have really grown up over the 4 years


beca-film said...

i somehow ended up reading this on this date too, dont know for what reason not that im checking on you (jgn perasan). but you have grown up, thats one thing true especially based on our conversation last time during your bro's convo. You were different (despite the wallet, like i keep on telling you). Just wanted you to know that.