programmers are like....prostitutes.
1. we work weird (night) shift...
just like prostitutes.
2. they pay you to make the client happy...
just like a prostitute.
3. the client pays a lot of money, but your employer keeps almost every penny...
just like a prostitute.
4. you are rewarded for fulfilling the client's dreams...
just like a prostitute.
5. your friends fall apart and you end up hanging out with people in the same profession as you...
just like a prostitute.
6. when you have to meet the client you always have to be perfectly groomed...
just like a prostitute.
7. but when you go back home it seems like you are coming back from hell...
just like a prostitute.
8. the client always wants to pay less but expects incredible things from you...
just like a prostitute.
9. when people ask you about your job, you have difficulties to explain it...
just like a prostitute.
10. every day when you wake up, you say: "I'm not going to spent the rest of my life doing this."
just like a prostitute ........
programmers are like... Thursday, January 7, 2010
365 days (looking back) Monday, January 4, 2010
5/1/2010 its my 1st anniversary as a working adult. weee! :)
remembering back on my 1st day of my 1st job at KPMG,
back then i really dont know what to expect.
of work, of life, of work-life.ha-ha. of anything actually.
its been 365 days since then. what happen along the way was just life.
i've walk the path i've choosen, and this is a look back
date: 5/1/2010
the title is EXECUTIVE.
at IT advisory dept - KMPG business advisory
my 1st project was with PETRONAS
doing IT audit. the 1st 3 months i was shadowing a senior.
check on system integrity, back up, disaster recovery etc
not much responsibility. the work in nature also quite relaxing.
then i was assigned to MICROSOFT team. doing a licensing compliance.
go to companies. check entitlement vs deployment
got the chance to travel a lot. go to lots of companies. interesting!
sometimes do require stay back but in really rare cases
i started playing tennis
and i played almost everyday after work (wah life so good this time)
actively playing futsal. we have KPMG groups who usually play once, twice a week
able to watch news at 8pm! ha-ha
oh, i also bought a new Blackberry phone for myself woo!
but i didnt like my work :(
programmer at ACCENTURE
assigned to TM project - SIEBEL team
my 1st task was to do a DB import
which i know nothing about
i couldn't sleep for a week because of the task
its haunting me!
keep bugging the seniors on the how, what, do and donts
then i was assigned to BIP reports
the challenge was they is no BIP specialist in my team
no one to ask
really need to dig a lot of stuff from GOOGLE
i was responsible for BIP reports and the Subject-Matter-Expert
so it went from, development phase - testing phase - production phase
now its LIVE woohoo! (ofcourse i laugh, cried and scolded along the way ha-ha)
i like my work (atleast for now. he-he)
i like the challenge. i like the responsibility.
but i dont like the work-life balance
work late everyday. work on weekends/public holidays
i miss playing tennis, futsal, sleep, hang outs, holidays, friends, doing nothing
shit, i miss life! ha-ha
i trade passion for work with life. i dont know if its a fair trade.
life unfair. but life unfair to everyone. thats make life fair.
ofcouse there always a day when i look back and say
"i should've stay with KPMG" or
"i should've join ORACLE instead" or
"i should've join IBM"
but i believe in that its not about making the right decision but,
its about making the decision right
its the time to look forward instead :)
my new year wish 2010 Friday, January 1, 2010
1.go to states
2.go to states
3.go to states
4.go to states
5.go to states
6.go to states
7.go to states
8.go to states
9.go to states
10.make a snowman